Yes I know....I've been slacking....Behind....A little slow.
Ok you get it.
I was reading a few posts by my favortie blogger Tia a.k.a. Clever Girl, and was struck with the insight and sudden clarity that people really can be so cruel!
I know right? (I love you J)
I think back to my sweet adorable sister in law's post about the joy of pregnancy and the mean comment someone left and my jaw still hits the floor. If that insensitive person only knew anything about my dear sister, she'd know that she has a heart condition that makes her pregnancy difficult. Nuff said! Don't bash on her because she wished she had less time to go until her baby girl is here. Realize she's uncomfortable and in pain and sick and sad and whatever other feelings she has. NOT that she wanted a premature baby. Are you kidding me???? She has a right to vent. So go away. You don't like it? Don't read it.
I know this blog was a while ago but it still irks me because it was sooo out of line. I read Clever Girl's blog about a conversation with "Hubs" where she's frustrated because she wanted him to be ready by the time she got home so he wouldn't be in the way. Every woman's dream right? Bathroom all to yourself? Right. READ IT!!!! If you don't you aren't living. Jk..but no seriously.
SOMEONE thought she was selfish and disrespectful and then hit her below the belt.
SOMEONE made a snide comment and said "no wonder this is marriage number 2."
WHAT. THE. HELL. ??????
Once again. Sheltered, naive, rude, ignorant people. I just don't understand.
Oh well.
Once again human-kind is proving itself for what it really is. How sad.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Will You Give This To My Daddy? (KLEENEX MAY BE REQUIRED!)
A story a friend sent me....
As a company, Southwest Airlines is going to support 'Red Fridays.'
Last week I was in Atlanta Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, awaiting my flight home, I heard several people behind me start to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest acts of patriotism that I have ever seen. Moving through the terminal was a group of soldiers, all in uniform. As they began heading to their gate, everyone (well almost everyone) stood abruptly to their feet and began to clap and wave.
When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded, cheered for and all around appreciated, it hit me- I am not alone. I'm not the only red-blooded american who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families. Of course I immediately stopped and started clapping and cheering myself for these unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line every single day for us just so that we can go to work, and school and home without fear or reprisal.
Just when I thought I couldn't be more proud of our country or service men and women, a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers and tugged on the sleeve of his uniform. He looked down, saw the little girl and smiled. He knelt in front of her and simply said "hi." The little girl smiled shyly and said "will you give something to my daddy for me?" The young soldier, who didn't look any older than maybe 22, said he would try and asked what exactly she wanted to give to her daddy. Suddenly, the little girl threw her arms around his neck, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then promptly kissed him on the cheek. The mother of the girl, who said her daughter's name was Courtney, told the soldier that her husband was a marine and had been in Iraq about a year. As the young mother was explaining how much Courtney missed her daddy and that all she wanted was to see him again, the young man began to tear up. When the young mother was done explaining her situation, the soldier told her to wait one second and not to go anywhere. He grabbed some of the other men and they huddled together for a brief second. One of the soldiers rummaged through his bag and pulled out his service radio. After about 20 seconds of talking back and forth on it and sharing with the young soldier, he walked over to Courtney and again knelt in front of her. He reached out his hand and took hers and said, "I just spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you." He pulled her into his arms, picked her up and gave her the sweetest hug I have ever seen, and then proceeded to kiss her on the cheek. He finished this act by looking her in the eye and saying, "your daddy wanted me to tell you that he misses you and he loves you and mommy more than anything in the whole world and that he is coming home very soon." The young mother was shaking with sobs. The soldier stood to his feet, nodded to her and then saluted both Courtney and her mother.
I was standing no more than 6 feet away from this scene. As the soldiers began to leave, heading toward their gate, people resumed their applause, more reverently and through tears. As I stood there, humbled, I looked around and saw very few dry eyes including my own. The young solier, in a last single act of kindness and selflessness turned and blew Courtney a kiss with tears streaming down his cheeks...
We need to remember our soldiers and their families and thank God for them every day. Because although some might not agree with the reason they're there, the point is that they ARE out there. Without question, protecting us. At the end of the day it's great to be an American.
RED FRIDAYS- Soon you will see a great majority of Americans wearing red every Friday. The reason? Americans who supported our troops were called the "silent majority." We are silent no more and are voicing our love for God, our country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We aren't looking for liberal media coverage on TV to reflect our message or opinions. Many Amercans, like you, me and all of our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect continues each and every Friday until our troops all come some. Sending the message that every red blooded American who supports our men and women will wear something red. By word of mouth, TV, press even, let's make the United States of America united in a sea of red every Friday much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If you can wear a color for a football team every Friday night, you can certainly wear red for our troops. It will not be long before our country is covered in red and it will let our troops know that one the "Silent Majority" is now on their side more than ever. When asked "what can we do to make things better for you?" a soldier will simply reply, "we need your support and your prayers."
As a company, Southwest Airlines is going to support 'Red Fridays.'
Last week I was in Atlanta Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, awaiting my flight home, I heard several people behind me start to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest acts of patriotism that I have ever seen. Moving through the terminal was a group of soldiers, all in uniform. As they began heading to their gate, everyone (well almost everyone) stood abruptly to their feet and began to clap and wave.
When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded, cheered for and all around appreciated, it hit me- I am not alone. I'm not the only red-blooded american who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families. Of course I immediately stopped and started clapping and cheering myself for these unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line every single day for us just so that we can go to work, and school and home without fear or reprisal.
Just when I thought I couldn't be more proud of our country or service men and women, a young girl, not more than 6 or 7 years old, ran up to one of the male soldiers and tugged on the sleeve of his uniform. He looked down, saw the little girl and smiled. He knelt in front of her and simply said "hi." The little girl smiled shyly and said "will you give something to my daddy for me?" The young soldier, who didn't look any older than maybe 22, said he would try and asked what exactly she wanted to give to her daddy. Suddenly, the little girl threw her arms around his neck, gave him the biggest hug she could muster and then promptly kissed him on the cheek. The mother of the girl, who said her daughter's name was Courtney, told the soldier that her husband was a marine and had been in Iraq about a year. As the young mother was explaining how much Courtney missed her daddy and that all she wanted was to see him again, the young man began to tear up. When the young mother was done explaining her situation, the soldier told her to wait one second and not to go anywhere. He grabbed some of the other men and they huddled together for a brief second. One of the soldiers rummaged through his bag and pulled out his service radio. After about 20 seconds of talking back and forth on it and sharing with the young soldier, he walked over to Courtney and again knelt in front of her. He reached out his hand and took hers and said, "I just spoke to your daddy and he told me to give this to you." He pulled her into his arms, picked her up and gave her the sweetest hug I have ever seen, and then proceeded to kiss her on the cheek. He finished this act by looking her in the eye and saying, "your daddy wanted me to tell you that he misses you and he loves you and mommy more than anything in the whole world and that he is coming home very soon." The young mother was shaking with sobs. The soldier stood to his feet, nodded to her and then saluted both Courtney and her mother.
I was standing no more than 6 feet away from this scene. As the soldiers began to leave, heading toward their gate, people resumed their applause, more reverently and through tears. As I stood there, humbled, I looked around and saw very few dry eyes including my own. The young solier, in a last single act of kindness and selflessness turned and blew Courtney a kiss with tears streaming down his cheeks...
We need to remember our soldiers and their families and thank God for them every day. Because although some might not agree with the reason they're there, the point is that they ARE out there. Without question, protecting us. At the end of the day it's great to be an American.
RED FRIDAYS- Soon you will see a great majority of Americans wearing red every Friday. The reason? Americans who supported our troops were called the "silent majority." We are silent no more and are voicing our love for God, our country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We aren't looking for liberal media coverage on TV to reflect our message or opinions. Many Amercans, like you, me and all of our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect continues each and every Friday until our troops all come some. Sending the message that every red blooded American who supports our men and women will wear something red. By word of mouth, TV, press even, let's make the United States of America united in a sea of red every Friday much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If you can wear a color for a football team every Friday night, you can certainly wear red for our troops. It will not be long before our country is covered in red and it will let our troops know that one the "Silent Majority" is now on their side more than ever. When asked "what can we do to make things better for you?" a soldier will simply reply, "we need your support and your prayers."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So I've been a tad distracted lately...I've been thinking about the fact that I haven't seen my dad in a year. Exactly a year on the 17th. I haven't had an actual conversation with him since last Christmas. So that's almost a year. And that conversation wasn't even civil. He was angry. Because I didn't call him first. I'm his only daughter and he's mad I didn't call him first because I was with other family. ON CHRISTMAS!!! This has caused him to ignore me for the last year except for the occasional drunken phone call in which he blames me for everything. Fun. Can I just start by I'm confused....
And I don't want to hear that he loves me in his own way because I'm beginning to believe that is total BS. No phone call on my birthday. Not even a card. I sent him a card on Father's Day like the good daughter trying to be the better person and guess what? It was sent back to me. So I didn't call him on his birthday or bother to spend money on a present or even a card. This of course makes me feel terrible. Not fun for me. I'm not angry enough to hate him but I do wish I could understand him sometimes. If I had only one daughter that I saw maybe once a year, I think I'd call her as often as I could even if the conversation consisted of basically a "hello" and "goodbye." I'd make sure she was doing ok, make sure I sent her a present or a card on her birthday and Christmas and at the very least called her. On the major holidays of course.
I'd make sure she knew her family. Make sure she knew she had people out there that cared about her and loved her no matter what. I met my Uncle Hal and Aunt Sue for the first time in 18 1/2 years last Thanksgiving. The only aunt and uncle I have on my dad's side and that was the first time I met them. I met their kids, my 3 cousins, Jason, Chris, and Rich, this past March because Rich was getting married and my aunt and uncle are determined for me to meet the whole family. So they bought me a plane ticket and off I went. So simple and easy....Too bad it took almost 19 years and a wedding for that to happen.
How can they be so welcoming and so loving and my dad not even want to pick up the phone to say, "I love you baby girl." Like he used to. I remember when I used to go visit him and he'd show me off to all of his friends in town. Like I was a prize. I remember how he used to beg for pictures just so he could add to the collection he had on his living room walls. I was almost as important as his NASCAR and Betty Boop memorabilia. Made me feel special. Made me hope for the day when maybe he'd take me to race, or to a game, or even just fishing. I always hoped he'd share something important to him with me...
I almost got married and I couldn't even decide whether or not to send my dad an invitation. I wanted to be the little girl who's dad wants to make sure he's the one to give her away. I decided my mom and step dad will be the ones to do this. And don't get me wrong because I love them with all of my heart, and my step dad has been a good dad to me, but you know every little girl has that idea they want their daddy to walk them down the aisle. And I didn't even know if I wanted to invite him....This is sad to me. I watched my big sister get married this last April and even though she hasn't had the greatest relationship with her dad either, her daddy walked her down the aisle. And she got to dance with him. I know this sounds cliche but it seemed so special, so important. I couldn't help but envy her for this simple fact. Makes me so so so proud of my brother. He's an amazing dad.
I just want him to care. To root for me. To see what I might become. To see me fail and to see me succeed. And either way love me with all he's got for exactly who I am. Too much to ask? Guess so.
I still love him, always will...He's my daddy. Sometimes I just wish I could have him back.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
So Many People In Your Life...

Regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know you would die without them it matters not. Because for once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, travelling to the depths of their souls and you a say a million things without a trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitably consumed within the rhythmic beatings of their heart. You love them for a million reasons, no paper would do it justice. It's not a thing of the mind but a thing of the heart. And only your heart would understand.
I envy these people. The people so consumed by someone they have true emotion for. The people that can let go of all their fears and love someone without a second thought. Without holding back. Without fearing they aren't good enough or that this person might end up not good enough for them. Without fearing that they might end up to be someone other than who they thought they knew them to be. I see this is courage at its finest point. To be so passionate and relentless as to give someone your whole heart with no fear of the consequences. I envy these people with their ideals and their hopes and dreams. Their infinite beliefs that true love conquers all. I don't understand it sometimes. and other times I see it all with such clarity. I see so many broken people. So many broken hearts and souls. And yet....I see the people that give us hope. The people that wake up pushing through the things that hold them back. Their fears or their nightmares that seem to be a reality in their daily lives. They've been broken down and beaten by the people they were so consumed by and yet they still go on as if not afraid. This seems to be true bravery. I wonder sometimes at their secrets.....
I envy these people. The people so consumed by someone they have true emotion for. The people that can let go of all their fears and love someone without a second thought. Without holding back. Without fearing they aren't good enough or that this person might end up not good enough for them. Without fearing that they might end up to be someone other than who they thought they knew them to be. I see this is courage at its finest point. To be so passionate and relentless as to give someone your whole heart with no fear of the consequences. I envy these people with their ideals and their hopes and dreams. Their infinite beliefs that true love conquers all. I don't understand it sometimes. and other times I see it all with such clarity. I see so many broken people. So many broken hearts and souls. And yet....I see the people that give us hope. The people that wake up pushing through the things that hold them back. Their fears or their nightmares that seem to be a reality in their daily lives. They've been broken down and beaten by the people they were so consumed by and yet they still go on as if not afraid. This seems to be true bravery. I wonder sometimes at their secrets.....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My Philosophy on Dating
Monday, November 10, 2008
Inspiration from a former leader....
John F. Kennedy once said; "The courage of life is a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. A man does what he must, in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures. And that is the basis of all human morality."
Life In Motion....

We know that this moment.....every part of it.....will live on forever.
And we will never let it go.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Light in the Darkness...
The most important thing in life is to learn to not be bitter over life's disappointments. Learn to let go of the past and recognize that not every single day is going to be sunny. And when you find yourself lost in the darkness of despair and defeat, remember, it is only in the black of night you see the stars, and those stars can lead you back home.
Don't take the darkness for granted either. It will teach you things, and improve the quality of which you learn. You'll learn to listen with not only the obvious but with your mind, your heart and your soul. The last of which will never be lost...
Don't take the darkness for granted either. It will teach you things, and improve the quality of which you learn. You'll learn to listen with not only the obvious but with your mind, your heart and your soul. The last of which will never be lost...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
One out of six billion...
At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. Some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls...And sometimes...All that matters is one....
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
And Life Just Keeps Moving

So some of you might have heard, actually all of you have probably heard but the wedding is indeed off. Sad? Definitely. But it was for the better. I wasn't ready and I think we both just jumped into too fast. He was supportive of my decision and I still love him to death and we'll always always always be friends....
On a happier note, things are going really well for me. I just sent in three applications to different hair schools for next June and am super excited about that. Nervous but excited. I love my job and was offered an assistant front desk manager position after only two months! Yay for me! I'm looking for an apartment so I can get out on my own again, which would be really nice. I just need to find someone I can live with that I can stand and that I can trust. Maybe I'll convince my sister to let me rent the room out in her house...Yeah right! No way she'd be ok with that. Anyway, I'm finally back on my feet and happy with the direction I'm going. It feels great. I know my parents are probably thinking I'm still stuck in a hole but I'm climbing out. Slowly but surely. =)
All in all, I'm happy right now. And I plan on keeping it that way.
On a happier note, things are going really well for me. I just sent in three applications to different hair schools for next June and am super excited about that. Nervous but excited. I love my job and was offered an assistant front desk manager position after only two months! Yay for me! I'm looking for an apartment so I can get out on my own again, which would be really nice. I just need to find someone I can live with that I can stand and that I can trust. Maybe I'll convince my sister to let me rent the room out in her house...Yeah right! No way she'd be ok with that. Anyway, I'm finally back on my feet and happy with the direction I'm going. It feels great. I know my parents are probably thinking I'm still stuck in a hole but I'm climbing out. Slowly but surely. =)
All in all, I'm happy right now. And I plan on keeping it that way.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Tag! I'm it!
So I was tagged by savor-silence-savor-cin...And let me just say I hate things like this but I'll do it because a) I'm really bored and b) I guess it can be kind of entertaining...
Here are the Rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is UP.
So here are my 6 quirks....
1.....I'm very matchy-matchy. I have to match. And when I don't feel like I match or when other people don't match it drives me crazy. For example- You absolutely cannot wear black shoes with a brown shirt! And vice versa. And no white shoes with black shirt either! Also, I hate wearing blues together. No blue shirts with blue jeans. Just can't do it. I buy my clothes in outfits. Most of the time I'll wear the jeans I wear the most and pick out shirts that go. I'm the same with my shoes. Everything just has to match.
2.....I cover my mouth when I eat. Doesn't matter what I'm eating, who I'm with or where I am. I just do. I have no idea why. An insecurity thing I guess.
3.....I'm addicted to my....CELL PHONE!!! I know I know it's so pathetic, but honestly I can't go anywhere without it. I feel so naked without it. I'm constantly looking at it too. Always checking it even though I know I don't have a text or a missed call or anything. What's funny is how excited and surprised I am when I walk away from it for a second and I actually do have something. lol
4.....I roll my eyes all the time and don't even know I'm doing it. I get in trouble for it all the time. When I was younger my parents would be like "Don't roll your eyes at me!" and I'd say "I didn't!!!" and then I'd catch myself doing it. It's all subconcious. Don't even know its hapening. What's really funny is that my mom does it too, a lot, and doesn't realize she's doing it and will deny, deny, deny....haha I learned it from watching you mom!!!
5.....I am absolutely terrified of falling. You can get me up as high as you want but do not put me close to the edge of anything! I love hiking and stuff like that but I start to get really dizzy and shaky as soon as I get close to the edge. Rollercoasters are hell for me. I'll go on them because they're fun but I hate them. It's a love/hate relationship. I'll get on, sit down, make sure I'm strapped in (I'll check like 8 times) and be really quiet until the first drop. Then, I'll let out one blood curdling scream and then I laugh hysterically the rest of the time. It's almost pathetic but I'm sure it's entertaining for everyone else.
6.....I have a really long tongue. Enough said.
Ok so I've done it, even though I didn't want to...And I tag...Well everyone I would tag has been tagged by someone else. The madness had to stop somewhere...=)
Here are the Rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your entry is UP.
So here are my 6 quirks....
1.....I'm very matchy-matchy. I have to match. And when I don't feel like I match or when other people don't match it drives me crazy. For example- You absolutely cannot wear black shoes with a brown shirt! And vice versa. And no white shoes with black shirt either! Also, I hate wearing blues together. No blue shirts with blue jeans. Just can't do it. I buy my clothes in outfits. Most of the time I'll wear the jeans I wear the most and pick out shirts that go. I'm the same with my shoes. Everything just has to match.
2.....I cover my mouth when I eat. Doesn't matter what I'm eating, who I'm with or where I am. I just do. I have no idea why. An insecurity thing I guess.
3.....I'm addicted to my....CELL PHONE!!! I know I know it's so pathetic, but honestly I can't go anywhere without it. I feel so naked without it. I'm constantly looking at it too. Always checking it even though I know I don't have a text or a missed call or anything. What's funny is how excited and surprised I am when I walk away from it for a second and I actually do have something. lol
4.....I roll my eyes all the time and don't even know I'm doing it. I get in trouble for it all the time. When I was younger my parents would be like "Don't roll your eyes at me!" and I'd say "I didn't!!!" and then I'd catch myself doing it. It's all subconcious. Don't even know its hapening. What's really funny is that my mom does it too, a lot, and doesn't realize she's doing it and will deny, deny, deny....haha I learned it from watching you mom!!!
5.....I am absolutely terrified of falling. You can get me up as high as you want but do not put me close to the edge of anything! I love hiking and stuff like that but I start to get really dizzy and shaky as soon as I get close to the edge. Rollercoasters are hell for me. I'll go on them because they're fun but I hate them. It's a love/hate relationship. I'll get on, sit down, make sure I'm strapped in (I'll check like 8 times) and be really quiet until the first drop. Then, I'll let out one blood curdling scream and then I laugh hysterically the rest of the time. It's almost pathetic but I'm sure it's entertaining for everyone else.
6.....I have a really long tongue. Enough said.
Ok so I've done it, even though I didn't want to...And I tag...Well everyone I would tag has been tagged by someone else. The madness had to stop somewhere...=)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Wedding Planning....
So have you ever heard the saying that those who can't do, teach? Or those who don't wed, plan? (Yes this is from a movie, just go with it ok?) Well this is why I'm getting married. I can't plan. Well I guess I can, and I've had some pretty decent ideas so far but I'm just having trouble on the decision making part. I just can't seem to fully visualize things and I'm not so sure I'll be able to until we actually put it all together. This makes me nervous. I'm sure that my mother can see it. Or at least I hope so because she stresses out more than I do. (Love you Mom!! But you know its true!) In my head it's beautiful, elegant and everything I've pictured, but who doesn't picture their wedding this way? Duh. I mean who would picture their wedding to be a total disaster? I guess yeah the thought has crossed my mind but it's not like I actually think it will least I hope not.
I have my dress, I've picked out the colors, the cake, the location, the decorations in mind, the food, his ring and so forth. The engagement pictures have yet to be taken but that's ok because we have plenty of time- and no mom I'm not procrastinating, we actually do have quite a bit of time. I haven't had my bridals taken yet but we're waiting until after the engagements are taken to do so, and that's ok too. It's nice to have two families so willing to do so much to help and I hope they all know that they are greatly appreciated. My wonderful mom and sister in law are taking care of my engagement and bridal photos which rocks and hopefully cousin Jason will agree to take the pictures at the wedding. So that's awesome, and cheap. And my soon to be mother in law is doing whatever she can to help too so that's a lot of stress off of everyone's shoulders. Yay! So I guess we'll see how things go. Kevin is being amazing about it all and is being very helpful, except for the occasional non serious comment when I really need him to be serious, but at least he's teaching me to lighten up. Which is where we balance. I take everything too seriously and worry too much and he takes nothing seriously and doesn't worry about anything. Maybe we'll meet in the middle. :-)
All in all I guess I need to really remember what is important. I'm marrying the guy I truly love and we're going to start our life together. That's all that counts. So maybe I should just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride....hahaha Yeah Right! No way will that happen no matter how much I try....
I have my dress, I've picked out the colors, the cake, the location, the decorations in mind, the food, his ring and so forth. The engagement pictures have yet to be taken but that's ok because we have plenty of time- and no mom I'm not procrastinating, we actually do have quite a bit of time. I haven't had my bridals taken yet but we're waiting until after the engagements are taken to do so, and that's ok too. It's nice to have two families so willing to do so much to help and I hope they all know that they are greatly appreciated. My wonderful mom and sister in law are taking care of my engagement and bridal photos which rocks and hopefully cousin Jason will agree to take the pictures at the wedding. So that's awesome, and cheap. And my soon to be mother in law is doing whatever she can to help too so that's a lot of stress off of everyone's shoulders. Yay! So I guess we'll see how things go. Kevin is being amazing about it all and is being very helpful, except for the occasional non serious comment when I really need him to be serious, but at least he's teaching me to lighten up. Which is where we balance. I take everything too seriously and worry too much and he takes nothing seriously and doesn't worry about anything. Maybe we'll meet in the middle. :-)
All in all I guess I need to really remember what is important. I'm marrying the guy I truly love and we're going to start our life together. That's all that counts. So maybe I should just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride....hahaha Yeah Right! No way will that happen no matter how much I try....
Friday, October 10, 2008
Angry Old People...And words I can't Repeat
So I was going to try to be super good and write in this every day but since I've got a super fun filing project to do while I've been at work I just haven't had the time. And when I say super fun I mean it super sucks. I work at a hotel and my project, since I honestly have absolutely nothing else to do, was to file all of our registration cards from every day, of every month in room number order. Yay. Really I mean that. Yay. It has taken me almost 3 full eight hour shifts to file just three months worth of cards. And I'm not even close to done! I ran out of file folders so I had to quit. Dang I was really getting into it.
Anyway, I guess I'll tell a little about what is going on in my life right now. I just quit my job at a car wash in town to work full time at a hotel as the night auditer. Why I decided that graveyards five nights a week was a good idea escapes me right at the moment. Maybe it was because I get paid well or maybe its because I don't really have to deal with any guests or co workers. Except when the grumpy old people complain because their air conditioner was too loud or because we don't have any rooms on the first floor because all of the previous old people that checked in before them requested them all. For heaven's sake we have an elevator!!! Two actually! I don't actually know if any of you have ever had a 70 year old man lean across a counter top that's almost taller than he is and scream profanities directly at you (while showering you with saliva,) but let me tell you- it is so much fun. Entertaining in fact. Almost. He was upset because his room was on the third floor and he had to walk all the way down the stairs, with his bad knees, to get extra towels because the maids only gave him two, which is actually what they're supposed to do. I gave him the towels and told him it might be easier on his knees this time if he used one of the two elevators in the building. This brought on a longer and slightly louder string of profanities that my mother would wash my mouth out with liquid soap for saying. I asked him what the problem was and why he continued to scream at me and he said "I didn't see any &%#@* *%!?^$% elevators!!!" Apparently this was my fault. Go figure.
Anyhow, I'm headed home from my last working day of the week. 7 AM!! Yay! My day ends while everyone elses begins....
Anyway, I guess I'll tell a little about what is going on in my life right now. I just quit my job at a car wash in town to work full time at a hotel as the night auditer. Why I decided that graveyards five nights a week was a good idea escapes me right at the moment. Maybe it was because I get paid well or maybe its because I don't really have to deal with any guests or co workers. Except when the grumpy old people complain because their air conditioner was too loud or because we don't have any rooms on the first floor because all of the previous old people that checked in before them requested them all. For heaven's sake we have an elevator!!! Two actually! I don't actually know if any of you have ever had a 70 year old man lean across a counter top that's almost taller than he is and scream profanities directly at you (while showering you with saliva,) but let me tell you- it is so much fun. Entertaining in fact. Almost. He was upset because his room was on the third floor and he had to walk all the way down the stairs, with his bad knees, to get extra towels because the maids only gave him two, which is actually what they're supposed to do. I gave him the towels and told him it might be easier on his knees this time if he used one of the two elevators in the building. This brought on a longer and slightly louder string of profanities that my mother would wash my mouth out with liquid soap for saying. I asked him what the problem was and why he continued to scream at me and he said "I didn't see any &%#@* *%!?^$% elevators!!!" Apparently this was my fault. Go figure.
Anyhow, I'm headed home from my last working day of the week. 7 AM!! Yay! My day ends while everyone elses begins....
Monday, October 6, 2008
Well Everyone Else Is Doing It!
Ok so I started this blog because I decided I needed to keep up with the people in my life...You know like family and friends and whoever else I talk to or don't talk to. My adorable sisters both have one and that's how I keep up with their fun and entertaining stories and believe me they are usually all entertaining...And plus I now work graveyards at a hotel 5 nights a week so I pretty much have all the time in the world!
Anyhow, I guess I should tell you a little about myself. My name is April Lynn Suzick and I was born May 25, 1989. (Yes I'm named April and was born in May, make any jokes you feel like making, I've heard every one of them, I promise.) I was born in Lakenheath, England on the air force base my dad was stationed at. Yes i'm a military brat! :-) I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, Josh 31, Danny 29, Brycen 11, and Madison 9. Yep we're kind of spread out but we have different dads so that explains a tiny bit of it. I have a wonderful sister in law that is one of my best friends and she has given me the most amazing nieces and nephews ever! They're honestly the cutest kids! Owen especially. He has so much personality and so many antics for a 3 year old. Now she has another one on the way. Maybe two. I hope. That would be awesome! Twins! A boy and a girl! (She's going to kill me for wishing that upon her...) I also have an adorable brother in law that I love to pieces and I'm so glad him and my sister finally got married. Now they just need to have babies. My parents are divorced but I live with my mom who I love very much and a pretty great step dad that I think I might have taken for granted, but we'll get into that later. I think I have a pretty great life for being 19 and I'm glad I'm learning to really appreciate it.
I'm engaged to be married to a pretty amazing guy that I met at the end of this last March. We met at work and we've been best friends ever since. I can tell him anything and even though sometimes he can't be serious he always makes sure I know he's listening and that he wants to make things better. He's my wonderful fire fighter and you'll definitely hear more about him later on. The date is set for March 21st and needless to say I'm super excited! My mom is being great about it and so is the rest of my family along with his. I'm hoping things will go smoothly. He's fitting in great with my family which is sometimes hard to do, but I think he does so well because he really doesn't take anything seriously, and that's needed because my family is full of sarcasm and dry humor and every one of us is very blunt. Even my nine year old sister who was coming up with sarcastic remarks at the age of 5 and making us all wonder where she comes up with the things she says.
For instance I was doing a report for my history class my sophomore year in high school and it was during the Olympics. We each were assigned a country on which we were supposed to find out as much as we could that had to do with this country's history and involvement with the Olympics. I was assigned China. Anyway I went home that day and sat down on the couch and asked my parents "What do you guys know about China?" My little sister Madison, who happened to be five at the time pipes up and says "Well they're Chinese duh." None of us really knew what to say and she still shocks us with the things she comes up with. She's adorable and kind of a brat. :-P
So anyway, I think I'm a pretty entertaining person. I'm sarcastic and usually pretty blunt and my mouth has definitely gotten me in trouble! I'm a lot of fun and enjoy all outdoor activities like wake boarding and hiking and camping and swimming and whatever you name it. I'm hoping to try snow boarding this season but we'll see how that goes...I love love love all sports and I'm definitely a football fan. I'm a Green Bay Packers fan and I'm secretly in love with Brett Favre but don't tell my fiancee! But now that he's playing for the Jets and making them look pretty good I might just have to keep up with them as well. We'll see. haha.
This blog is sort of vague, boring and non personal to me, but I'll get more in depth about me and my family as it goes on. I'll probably write almost every day so it'll constantly be updated! Yay! Fun for all of you! Anyhow, look for more entertainment to come...
Anyhow, I guess I should tell you a little about myself. My name is April Lynn Suzick and I was born May 25, 1989. (Yes I'm named April and was born in May, make any jokes you feel like making, I've heard every one of them, I promise.) I was born in Lakenheath, England on the air force base my dad was stationed at. Yes i'm a military brat! :-) I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, Josh 31, Danny 29, Brycen 11, and Madison 9. Yep we're kind of spread out but we have different dads so that explains a tiny bit of it. I have a wonderful sister in law that is one of my best friends and she has given me the most amazing nieces and nephews ever! They're honestly the cutest kids! Owen especially. He has so much personality and so many antics for a 3 year old. Now she has another one on the way. Maybe two. I hope. That would be awesome! Twins! A boy and a girl! (She's going to kill me for wishing that upon her...) I also have an adorable brother in law that I love to pieces and I'm so glad him and my sister finally got married. Now they just need to have babies. My parents are divorced but I live with my mom who I love very much and a pretty great step dad that I think I might have taken for granted, but we'll get into that later. I think I have a pretty great life for being 19 and I'm glad I'm learning to really appreciate it.
I'm engaged to be married to a pretty amazing guy that I met at the end of this last March. We met at work and we've been best friends ever since. I can tell him anything and even though sometimes he can't be serious he always makes sure I know he's listening and that he wants to make things better. He's my wonderful fire fighter and you'll definitely hear more about him later on. The date is set for March 21st and needless to say I'm super excited! My mom is being great about it and so is the rest of my family along with his. I'm hoping things will go smoothly. He's fitting in great with my family which is sometimes hard to do, but I think he does so well because he really doesn't take anything seriously, and that's needed because my family is full of sarcasm and dry humor and every one of us is very blunt. Even my nine year old sister who was coming up with sarcastic remarks at the age of 5 and making us all wonder where she comes up with the things she says.
For instance I was doing a report for my history class my sophomore year in high school and it was during the Olympics. We each were assigned a country on which we were supposed to find out as much as we could that had to do with this country's history and involvement with the Olympics. I was assigned China. Anyway I went home that day and sat down on the couch and asked my parents "What do you guys know about China?" My little sister Madison, who happened to be five at the time pipes up and says "Well they're Chinese duh." None of us really knew what to say and she still shocks us with the things she comes up with. She's adorable and kind of a brat. :-P
So anyway, I think I'm a pretty entertaining person. I'm sarcastic and usually pretty blunt and my mouth has definitely gotten me in trouble! I'm a lot of fun and enjoy all outdoor activities like wake boarding and hiking and camping and swimming and whatever you name it. I'm hoping to try snow boarding this season but we'll see how that goes...I love love love all sports and I'm definitely a football fan. I'm a Green Bay Packers fan and I'm secretly in love with Brett Favre but don't tell my fiancee! But now that he's playing for the Jets and making them look pretty good I might just have to keep up with them as well. We'll see. haha.
This blog is sort of vague, boring and non personal to me, but I'll get more in depth about me and my family as it goes on. I'll probably write almost every day so it'll constantly be updated! Yay! Fun for all of you! Anyhow, look for more entertainment to come...
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